This vegan soup is so creamy is really hard to believe is actually made with no regular milk or cream. Its my lighter version of the traditional Caribbean dish called ¨Ron Don¨. Its amazingly delicious and easy to make. Perfect for this rainy afternoons and nights!
Recipe ( Serves 4 people ) with direct links to HELPCA supplying partners.
Thanks for keep supporting our local ecosustainable farms trough this difficult times! Ingredients:
Coconut milk / 1 liter Productos de Coco Punta Lagarto
Potatoes / 4 medium units Finca Manantial
Carrots / 2 medium units Finca Manantial
Yuca ( cassava ) / 1 small unit Finca Higueron
Pumpkin / 250 grs Finca Siberia
Onion / 1 medium unit Finca Higueron
Sweet pepper / 1 medium unit Finca Higueron
Garlic / 4 cloves Finca Siberia
Black pepper / 1/2 teaspoon Finca Agroecologica El Encanto
Salt / 1 tablespoon Solar
Fresh thyme / 1/2 roll Finca Siberia
Habannero pepper / 2 units Finca Higueron
Curry powder OR ¨complete seasoning¨ / 1/2 teaspoon Mandry's
Chop in small squares the onion, sweet pepper, potatoes and carrots.
Peel the pumpkin and yuca and chopped them in small squares as well.
Place coconut milk in a pot and start to cook in low temperature for about 10 minutes. Make sure you stir every few minutes cause it can comes up and get out of the pot.
Start adding the veggies starting from garlic, onion and sweet pepper.
Then add the yuca, fresh thyme, salt, curry, pepper and habannero. Note: IT IS IMPORTANT that the peppers only have one hole made by the tip of a knife, cause if you don't open it the flavor won't comes out and if you make a big hole the soup will be spicy.
Add the pumpkin and cook for about 30 mins more in low temperature with a lid on.
By Maria Aragon
