Refreshing and a tropical appetizer that everyone will enjoy. For this recipe you will have the opportunity to practice the art of breaking the coconut and take the meat out of the shell or wood :). Plantain chips are our favorite ones to go with this recipe but you can have it with yuca ones of any other kind if you prefer. Serve cold with the chips. Enjoy!

Ingredients (Serves 4)
Coconut / 2 units
Sweet pepper / 2 units
Red Onions / 2 units
Fresh Thyme / 1/4 of roll
Himalayan Salt / as much needed
Habanero pepper / 1 unit
Black pepper / as much wanted
Orange juice / 1/4 cup
Creole lemon juice / 1/4 cup
Hibiscus Kombucha / 1/4 cup
Avocados / 4 units
Lemon chips / 1 bag
With a hammer or rock hit on the coconut and try to break it in as much pieces as you want, it can be around 8 pieces.
Then with a big knife and very carefully place the tip of the knife in between the meat and the shell and move the sharp part of the knife up and down. When you have the meat out of the shell wash it and cut it in small cubes.
Cut the onions and sweet peppers in small cubes as well.
Cut in tiny pieces 1/6 of the skin of the pepper, no seeds. Take the little leaves out of the stems and put them on the compost.
Mix all the of ingredients and leave in the fridge for at least 24 hours. It is best in a glass container and always covered.
Serve cold on one avocado cut in half and with chips.
Enjoy! Contributed by Maria Aragon
