Dear community,
We did it! We completed the first 10 household orders from 6 suppliers, and really over 40 orders considering each suppliers orders.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support to the feria productores while we grow this initiative with the demand.
A special thanks to our Volunteers @Ragna and @Leslie for their amazing support to ensure we got as many orders as we could before the cut off date and connected with many of you to make it as smooth as possible.
If you want to get started, register your particulars, location and preferences for delivery on this online form: 👉
Sunday will be a full REST day for the HELPCA volonteer team. Yes they need some rest 🙂
However find below some visibility on the upcoming milestones:
⭐️ Next week order form will be published by Monday evening with new households and supplying members.
The window to order will be from Monday to Thursday early morning. Deliveries will be Friday.
⭐️ New Q&A and instructions documentation will also be released next week, integrating all the learnings from this week!
⭐️ Delivery and pick up logistics have been refined based on our experience today.
By default, everyone will be guided to the closest pick up point. We will leverage this support group to inform everyone when the truck has arrived. It will avoid group of people waiting for a long time. It will also enable us to organize crates for the safest pick up possible.
Home delivery will be prioritized for people with symptoms or with high risk family members. You can discuss that option with your ambassadors.
For those of you who picked up your orders enjoy those wonderful resources, share away your recipes, and celebrate your wonderful support to local productadores this first week of the feria closing! You brought light, life and love ❤️
With love and gratitude 🙏